Proposed Slate of Directors and Chairs 2017-2019


President:  Cindy Ramadan–Oversees Board and General Meetings; publishes monthly Newsletter.

 First Vice-President. Membership: Nancy Ferch, Marcia Moore —Oversees membership

Second Vice-President, Programs:  Barbara Moore, Cheryl Buccelli–Procures programs and contracts speakers.

Treasurer: Beth Teich–Submits budget reports; pays bills, balances accounts, and communicates with Club Accountant.

Recording Secretary:  Patricia McGuire, Terri Wright–Records minutes from Board and General Meetings.

Corresponding Secretary:  Cathy Douglas–All extraordinary correspondence (thank-you, get well, invitations, condolences, and special functions and events) as directed by the President.

Historian:  Sherri Nichols–Compiles and preserves all publicity and photos. Records and documents all events.

Publicity:  Nancy Stack–Provides timely publicity and photos of pertinent events to relevant local press. Informs membership of all press coverage and submits coverage to Historian and Website Coordinator.

Special Counsel to the President:  Guia Trutter–Assistant to the President

Advisor:  Bonita Friedland–Immediate Past President advises the Board

 Professional Garden Clubs Liaison: Michele Montgomery–Informs members of Garden Clubs of Illinois and National Garden Clubs Award categories, educational opportunities, deadlines and events.

Civic Awareness:  Pam Bailey–Liaison to City of Lake Forest. Informs Board and membership of activities at City Hall that most affect and concern Garden Club and city beautification interests.  Sits on City Beautification Committee.

 Hospitality:  Sylvia Dunbeck, Carol Sarsfield, Denise Schlax–Secures hostesses from the membership for monthly meetings and programs. Cares for Club aprons and name tags, make tags and greets prospective members and guests to functions.

Philanthropy: Connie Maines, Mary Carlson–Researches and facilitates philanthropic donations to be made in fiscal or special year.

Special Events:  Jan Richman, Mimi Calfee–Plans and produces social get-togethers for the benefit of membership camaraderie. (Holiday Luncheon and Show, Girls Night Out, Member-Spouse Dinner, etc.)

Ways and Means: Presidential appointment in 2018–Chairs current annual/biennial fundraiser.  (Garden Walk)

Website Coordinator:  Judi Lindgren, Marge McClintock–Updates website, including rosters, monthly and more when needed. Responds to inquiries posted on the Contact Us page. Serves as liaison to website host.

Telegraph Gardens:  Sharon Twyman–Plans and oversees maintenance of Telegraph Gardens.

Westmoreland/Balmoral/Lake Forest College Holiday Décor:  JoAnne Ehrenberg–Coordinates dates and volunteer effort for decorating three community facilities, including take down.