This Month and Next

Mark Your Calendars!

Coming in September…


On September 29, we have an exciting event planned. We will meet at the Lake Forest Club at 554 N. Westmoreland  where, ta da! we will explore our club’s new website.

This launch has been a long time coming and we hope you will be pleased with the result!

Our website committee will demonstrate how to use the many exciting new features. Fabulous prizes will add  to the fun.

Hostesses: Cheryl Buccelli, Peg Determan

9 Social / 9:30 Business / 10 Program 

 Coming in October…

Come to the Telegraph Road Train Station on October 27 dressed for the weather in your gardening duds and shoes. Bring your gloves and trowels where we will celebrate Halloween by putting our beautiful train station garden to bed for the year. Many hands make light work and we always have fun. Remember, ladies, October and May are our two mandatory meetings. See you there!
Screen Shot 2016-07-22 at 3.56.14 PM

Hostesses: Marcia Moore, Nancy Ferch, Rosemary McDonough

9 Social / 9:30 Business / 10 Let’s Put Our Garden to Bed 

Membership Dues

Write check to Deerpath Garden Club of Lake Forest and give or mail to treasurer.


Current Year Club Roster           Membership Responsibilities

Guidelines for Sponsoring a New Member

Club Rules

Club By-Laws           Special Events Guidelines


Current Board and Position Descriptions

Board Meeting Schedule            Past Presidents List


 Prospective Member Application 
(Fillable PDF***)

Expense Reimbursement
 (Fillable PDF***)

(Fillable PDF***)

Membership Renewal
(Fillable PDF***)

Our Active membership has vacancies

Prospective members should attend two working meetings during the club year, prior to applying for membership. They will be placed on a waiting list until there is an opening. Please forward names of guests to Membership Co-Chairmen, Laura Sibley or Marcia Moore.

Click here to see the guidelines for sponsoring a new member.