President: Oversees Board and General Meetings; publishes monthly Newsletter.
First Vice-President: Oversees membership
Second Vice-President: Procures programs and contracts speakers.
Treasurer: Submits budget reports; pays bills; and balances accounts.
Recording Secretary: Records minutes from Board and General Meetings.
Corresponding Secretary: All extraordinary correspondence (thank-you, get well, invitations, condolences, and special functions and events) as directed by the President.
Historian: Compiles and preserves all publicity and photos. Records and documents all events.
Awards: Informs members of Garden Clubs of Illinois Award categories and deadlines.
Civic Awareness: Liaison to City of Lake Forest. Informs Board and membership of activities at City Hall that most affect and concern Garden Club interests.
Hospitality: Secures hostesses from the membership for monthly meetings and programs. Cares for Club aprons and name tags, make tags and greets prospective members and guests to functions.
Philanthropy: Researches and facilitates philanthropic donations to be made in fiscal or special year.
Publicity: Oversees all photography and Press coverage of Special Events. Informs membership of all press coverage and submits coverage to Historian and Website Coordinator.
Ways and Means: Chairs currently planned fundraiser.
Website Coordinator: Updates website, including rosters, monthly and more when needed. Serves as liaison to website host.
Telegraph Gardens: Plans and oversees maintenance of Telegraph Gardens.